It may surprise you to learn, however, that at least one of these games pre-dated the smash hit HBO series itself, while others were actually cancelled in-progress despite the overwhelming popularity of the series. So it's no surprise that quite a few types of games have attempted to adapt the ASoIaF magic over the years. But since wielding Varlyian steel blades, riding fire-breathing dragons, and conscripting an army of the dead is very dangerous business, we need an outlet that's a little less deadly, yet just as deceptive and dramatic as the story itself. Martin's unfinished "A Song of Ice and Fire" book series, it wasn't enough just to watch Game of Thrones they had to play it, too. Its epic journey was a wild, weird, and fascinating adventure, and to mark the occasion Collider presents "What Is Ten May Never Die," a ten-week retrospective on the show's legacy - what we remember fondly, what we wish we could forget, and everything in between.įor fans of George R.R. On April 17, 2011, a new HBO drama about warring families, icy zombies, and CGI dragons premiered, and whether you loved it or hated it, there's simply no denying the kind of impact Game of Thrones had not just on television, not just on pop culture, but on the world in general.